The Kaiser-Frazer Corporation was formed in 1945 by Henry J. Kaiser and Joseph W. Frazer.  Autos were produced under both the Kaiser and Frazer names.  The two disagreed on production procedures which led to Frazer’s resignation as president in 1949. Cars using the Frazer name were dropped after 1951 and in 1953 the company was renamed Kaiser Motors Corporation until the acquisition of Willys-Overland Corporation when the name changed to Willys Motors. In 1955 production of cars carrying the Kaiser name came to an end.

Jeep remained and in 1963 the company became Kaiser Jeep until it was sold to American Motors in 1970.

KaiserHenryJ-maroonKAISER HENRY J in maroon                                                             PRINTS AVAILABLEKaiserDarrin-54Red1954 KAISER DARRIN in red                                                             PRINTS AVAILABLEKaiserDarrin-54Pine1954 KAISER DARRIN in pine                                                           PRINTS AVAILABLE

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