William Muller, an engineer with the Budd Body Company, designed a front wheel drive car with the hope of selling the rights of manufacture to an existing auto company. Budd board member Archie Andrews liked the design and along with Muller it was decided to form New Era Motors. In 1929, an agreement with Moon Motors was reached to build the car. The car was named Ruxton for William Ruxton a man Andrews had hoped would invest in the company. Ruxton had no interest but for whatever reason the decision was made to retain the name and Ruxton sued.

Andrews then made a hostile takeover of Moon Motors and more lawsuits were filed.  Production of the car however was begun in 1930. With the problems at Moon Andrews approached Kissel Motors to build the car and then attempted to take over Kissel which filed for receivership. Production of the Ruxton came to an end four months after it had begun with 500 cars having been produced.  

Being front wheel drive, the Ruxton sat lower than most cars and featured distinctive but mostly worthless Woodlight headlights.

Ruxton Wheel 19301930 RUXTON WHEEL STUDY                                                          PRINTS AVAILABLE

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